Saturday, July 31, 2010

First trip to Comerica Park and DetroitTigers Game for the Family

This is the first time we caught a Detroit Tigers Game at Comerica Park. I personally haven't been to see the Tigers since their last few years at Tiger Stadium at Michigan and Trumbull. It was a great atmosphere and everyone enjoyed themselves. I plan to setup another game day for us to attend in the summer of 2010. Compared to some other professional sports, I thought this was relatively reasonable in price.

Consider taking your family out to a great time at a local ball game. Your kids won't forget it and the memories can last forever.

NQE out.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Second Hike

I went on a second hike after enjoying the first one so much. I invited my wife and kids along and they really appeared to enjoy it as well. I took the time to explain some survival skills or preparedness techniques to them. It was the same short route, but the family really seemed to take to it.

Initially we checked out the visitor center and learned a little about different animals indigenous to this area.

After that previous successful hike we decided to take another one together. It was in the same nature preserve, but the route was about 3 times as long and much more diverse in scenery. As you can see the scenery is a bit more lush and green than the previous hike.

Actually this hike was long enough we sort of got tired...which I suppose is a good thing.

Afterwards, we went back to a picnic area and had lunch. I prepared everyone for what I had in mind for lunch. I wanted to try a freeze dried backpacking food, "Mountain House" meal and the Mountain Oven. We were quite intrigued at how the flameless oven worked and it heated up the meal quite well. We had a Chili Mac meal which other than tasting a bit salty which was expected, was pretty good.

We had a lot of enjoyment on these hikes and look forward to experiencing some others in many great places in the future.