Saturday, July 31, 2010

First trip to Comerica Park and DetroitTigers Game for the Family

This is the first time we caught a Detroit Tigers Game at Comerica Park. I personally haven't been to see the Tigers since their last few years at Tiger Stadium at Michigan and Trumbull. It was a great atmosphere and everyone enjoyed themselves. I plan to setup another game day for us to attend in the summer of 2010. Compared to some other professional sports, I thought this was relatively reasonable in price.

Consider taking your family out to a great time at a local ball game. Your kids won't forget it and the memories can last forever.

NQE out.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Second Hike

I went on a second hike after enjoying the first one so much. I invited my wife and kids along and they really appeared to enjoy it as well. I took the time to explain some survival skills or preparedness techniques to them. It was the same short route, but the family really seemed to take to it.

Initially we checked out the visitor center and learned a little about different animals indigenous to this area.

After that previous successful hike we decided to take another one together. It was in the same nature preserve, but the route was about 3 times as long and much more diverse in scenery. As you can see the scenery is a bit more lush and green than the previous hike.

Actually this hike was long enough we sort of got tired...which I suppose is a good thing.

Afterwards, we went back to a picnic area and had lunch. I prepared everyone for what I had in mind for lunch. I wanted to try a freeze dried backpacking food, "Mountain House" meal and the Mountain Oven. We were quite intrigued at how the flameless oven worked and it heated up the meal quite well. We had a Chili Mac meal which other than tasting a bit salty which was expected, was pretty good.

We had a lot of enjoyment on these hikes and look forward to experiencing some others in many great places in the future.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Frankenmuth Balloon Village Competition and show Part 1

Frankenmuth Balloon Village Competition and show Part 1

One evening in early June 2010, I heard a news report on our local station about a Hot Air Balloon competition in a location about 25 miles from home. I looked the story up again on the stations' website and found the details. It indicated that there was a competition and that it would continue the next morning at 6:00am. While I figured that I'm never afraid of an early morning jaunt and decided to go there and take a look. It was in Frankenmuth, MI. As I got there they weren't even set up yet. I waited a few minutes and  I could see some of the competitors getting things together.

I was able to watch them setup the several of the balloons, inflate them and launch just over my head. It was great. I took a bit of video footage and pictures to hopefully give you a feel for what it was like. Enjoy.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

How to Adjust Your Backpack Properly Video

I liked this video as it is pretty straight forward in explaining the different adjustments and straps on todays' modern internal framed backpacks. I have one and it didn't take long to realize that the companies don't put instructions with them because they assume that you already know what you're doing. Well for us neophytes this video is great. It showed me a lot of things about my backpack that it didn't know.

Speaking of things I didn't know...Last year I had planned on getting another pack because I wanted to get one that was hydration compatible. Well as I said this pack didn't come with any instructions so lo and behold when I watch a video on YouTube of a kid describing the same backpack, he says it is hydration compatible. WHO KNEW! He was right.

Just goes to show you that you can always learn new things. I guess that is what makes everyday new and interesting. You never know what's going to to come around the corner.

NQE out.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

First Official Hike...well sort of.

Today I did something I've contemplated for some time. Well it's not real exciting to most folks, but I had a great time anyway. Approximately 10 miles from my home there is a County Park with an extensive amount of trails and gravel roads. As silly as it seems, I never took the plunge and went to this park and took off on a short hike. Well today that changed. Actually I had a great time and am looking forward to going back sometime soon and taking my son and possibly my daughters along with me. I might take my wife but she's not the outdoors type; so I'm not holding my breath on that one.

As I said earlier, I'm looking forward to going again soon. It was so quiet and serene. It felt perfect in so many ways. More to come.

NQE out.

Saturday, April 17, 2010


Another great vid by Hickok45 for shotguns. I'm a big fan of the Remington 870, but I thought this was a great look at some other types of shotguns and their uses. Wouldn't it be great to have a personal range like his. Take a look.

NQE out

Glock Top Models

I came across this guy (username: hickok45) today while looking up some videos on YouTube. I thought he had a very informative video on the different types of Glock and their different models and calibers. I really like the dependability and history of the Glock weapon systems and  I think they would be a great choice for concealed carry or home defense.

He offers some great detailed information about several types and would be a great assist to someone looking to purchase a Glock one day. Anyone looking for a dependable handgun should take a look at this great vid.

NQE out

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

It's Over

Although I'm not happy that Michigan State lost there bid to beat Butler and move on to the Championship positive note is that I can go back to wearing the old Maize and Blue again :)

Take care all...NQE out.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

I'm Torn

If you've been following college sports lately you may know that the NCAA mens basketball is coming to an end. As I write this, it is 2 days until the beginning of the final four. As per normal practice I am a die hard U of M fan. Michigan State is in the tournament and has been playing well and been quite enjoyable to watch. I live in the state of Michigan and can often be seen wearing this or that (U of M) apparel.

But I find myself at a perplexing moment in life. A moment that transcends all logic and reason. This is the "Final Four Zone."

The same situation went on 10 years ago when Michigan State not only went to the final four but won the whole darn thing. At that time I forced my self ;) to buy a Green and White Michigan State Hat and wear it in support. That hat has been hanging on my basement door ever since and now I find myself needing to wear it to support  the team from my home state again.

The other day my wife was talking with me and had to do a double take when she saw that hat on my head. She said its so strange not seeing me in a University of Michigan Hat. I try to consider myself supportive of the home team no matter where they are. Although this seems difficult and appears to be a betrayal to the Maize and Blue, I'm looking forward to donning my favorite college colors real soon. So to all those that may read this...put me in your thoughts. I will need all the positive energy any of you can send my way.

NQE Out ...and wearing a State hat :(

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

1 of 3: The Purpose, Planning and Packing your Bug-Out-Bag 1/3

This is the first in a 3 part series of a topic that I have found quite intriguing. I don't look at this as something to utilize only in the worst situations, but as something that can be used in the everyday type of life altering emergencies as well. Those could include, flood, power outages, etc. Take time to look at the entire series and see how it may work out for you. NQE out.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Refueling on the Run: Revisited

I was impressed at the ease of this refuel. If you check out this guys first video on refueling you can see the drastic, and I mean drastic difference in the ease of use. I've ordered two of these, several 5 gallon gas cans and a quart of Sta-bil fuel stabilizer. If the need ever presents itself, I feel more confident that I will be ready to move quickly and refuel safely. NQE out.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Time to go shooting.

I decided that today would be a good day to go to the range for a little target shooting. I call it target shooting and not training because as with most ranges, everything is static. No rapid fire, No drawing from a holster (Although they're not too strict about this depending on the holster type), and No movement.

I understand that this is all for safety sake, considering there are usually a mix of new and more seasoned shooters on the range at any given time. I'm currently looking for a location near my home where I can do some running and gunning type training. I have located a sportsmen's club within 30 minutes of home that practices IDPA. I may look into that in the near future. I've wanted to try my hand at some competitive shooting for some time. I'll give some updates on how this works out.

Take care,


Saturday, February 20, 2010

An interesting book

                                                                                                                                                                             I've been reading an older Stephen King book, Delores Claiborne. I haven't seen the movie, but I came across a copy of the book at a used book sale at my local public library. Once I started reading it, I found that it was missing pages from 20-110. That's a lot of pages. I found those first few pages intriguing and had to get another copy of the book.
It took a while to find a copy of the book, but I finally located one at my local Borders Book Store. I enjoy how the book is basically a narration of her (Delores Claiborne), telling her story to a group of police detectives of how her husband died. As I write this, I'm only half-way through the book, so I don't yet know what will happen. Just about every time I pick it up to read, I find myself sucked into the story and end up reading longer than I planned. I love it when that happens with a good book. I'm looking forward to reading more. We'll see what happens.   NQE

Friday, February 19, 2010

Surprisingly Good

I thought I would pass along a movie or actually it is a 7 Part Series from HBO. You can see the link on this page. I've seen this many times at the store but frankly I couldn't see how Paul Giamatti would play such a role. I picked it up a my local library one day and was pleasantly surprised at how good it is. I've long since been quite interested in our country's history and how it all began.

Once I got to the third episode, I returned the borrowed copy and immediately ordered my own. I found it to be an excellent production.

Now I'm not the type of person to order tons of DVD's. I usually limit my purchases to great stories or historical pieces that I would want to watch many times.

Anyway, If you might feel so inclined check it out. I think you just may like it.


Saturday, February 13, 2010

"A Story of First Aid" by Nutnfancy

A great story that made me think about whether I ready or not. Are you ready? Are you prepared? Are you willing to act? Ask yourself these questions and listen to the answers.

After watching this video and the subsequent Level 1 and five part Level 2 First Aid Kit series...I realized that I wasn't ready. Since then I've made a couple level 2's and many level 1's. I keep them at work, in the vehicles and at home.

I feel more capable to be able to handle most minor to medium situations. I've even explained and showed my family the kits as well.

Take the time and watch. NQE

The Final Option

I caught this video on You Tube the other day. Although it has some disturbing images, I found it to be poignant and succint. I hope more which watch it and heed its warnings. NQE

Saturday, February 6, 2010

A wintertime race

Today I did my first wintertime foot race. It is an 8k in Frankenmuth, MI. This is the inaugural event for this race. I've done the companion race during the 4th of July (,weekend and have really enjoyed that. They pulled me into doing this race by stating on the registration that participants could get a special extra race shirt for participating in both races. However it worked was a lot of fun. There were probably a couple hundred people and even as cold as it was there were a few people wearing shorts. (Brave Souls).

One interesting thing that happened was seeing a past participant on the Biggest Loser TV show standing in the pack waiting for the race to start. Considering I never forget faces, I looked up her entry number after wards and found that it was her. It was good to see her in a race and doing her best to stay healthy. I saw she was also wearing a jacket for the 2009 Detroit FreePress Marathon. Maybe she did that race also. Her name is Amy Cremen and I found her page here:

The race had a few nice hills and is an out and back type route. This is the first time I've done one of those and I actually like it since your are able to see the race leaders and throw words of encouragement to them. A few people closer to the front also threw out a few, "Keep up the good work," statements. That proved encouraging when the 20mph wind was blowing on the side of your head on a few parts of the course. I'm looking forward to my next race.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

A few words explaining "NQE"

As you push forward and do that one thing…possibly that one great thing that can define your life, always remember: Never Quit Ever.
If you can’t run…walk…if you can’t walk…crawl, but whatever you do don’t quit. You may have to take a step back and reassess your situation. After you do, jump right back in and move forward. Don’t quit.
In many situations you may face, your mind will tell you that you can’t go on. Your body may also sign on as well and tell you that it can’t go any further. Don’t be afraid of the pain…embrace it. The pain is what is telling you that you are alive. Pain is your body’s way of ridding itself of weakness.
In sports there is a difference between playing injured and playing hurt. Being injured, means that you are physically incapable of continuing, i.e., broken bone, severe bleeding, shock, etc. In this situation you may have to stop. Being hurt on the other hand is just that…it hurts.
As I stated earlier, embrace that pain. It will make you stronger. It will steel your resolve and hone your character. If it doesn’t hurt like hell you’re probably not pushing yourself enough. Once you complete your given task you will sit back and be proud of your accomplishment in spite of adversity. Look forward to that and don’t forget. Never Quit Ever

Things might not be in any way similar to how you are accustomed. Whatever you do…stay calm. I am with you, whether I’m right next to you or am with you in spirit only, I am with you.
Prepare your mind to realize that you will make it. Most of survival is your mental preparation. This is much more important than if we had everything prepared and waiting for the worst possible scenario. YOU DO NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO GIVE UP. Life can be hard at times. When it doesn’t play fair with you, don’t play fair with it. Fight, Survive, Prosper, Be Great, and don’t forget…Never Quit Ever.
©2010 Neverquitever

Monday, January 18, 2010

A new beginning

Although blogging has been around the web for sometime, this is my first time into the lion's den. Perhaps calling it the Lion's Den, isn't what I truly mean. Actually I am looking forward to what this may bring for the future. A little bit about myself.

I am currently a man in my early 40's, married with three children. For the past three years I have been doing something that I have found surprisingly enjoyable...running. Considering that I am a man that has had struggles with my weight for most of my adult life, I have found this to be ironic.

Several years ago, I thought I would start running to do a local 10 mile race that we have in my hometown in August of every year. This event is one of the bigger events in the area and I knew few people that had actually entered. In that year, 2007, I did achieve that goal and completed that race with the support of my wife and family. Since that time I've been in two other 10 milers, a host of other 5K and 10K races and more recently my greatest running accomplishment to date, completing a half marathon in the fall of both 2008 and 2009.

Probably an even greater accomplishment is what these events inspired others around me to do. My wife, has done two 10 milers along with me and also completed her first half-marathon. My father in law and a few cousins decided to take the plunge as well. I have been so pleased with all their accomplishments and wish them the best as they strive for improved fitness in their lives. They are an inspiration for me and many others.

I guess I'll stop there and save some for next time. Until then...stay loyal

NQE (Neverquitever)